Senin, 19 April 2010

Free Ebook , by John Byrne

Free Ebook , by John Byrne

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, by John Byrne

, by John Byrne

, by John Byrne

Free Ebook , by John Byrne

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, by John Byrne

Product details

File Size: 21606 KB

Print Length: 25 pages

Publisher: Dark Horse (October 7, 2015)

Publication Date: October 6, 2015

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English

ASIN: B01661DYS6


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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#33,611 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

The four issue Hellboy mini-series "Seed of Destruction" came out over the course of 1994. Those four issues were ultimately collected and released in hardback and paperback omnibus form, but those omnibus editions are hard to find and pricey. Now, (or at least as of the date of this review), each of the four comics, which were reissued by the publisher in 2015, is available as a free kindleunlimited download. (I'm posting this on the sites for all four issues, mainly to encourage people to borrow the whole set and create their own omnibus.)As to the the series, we start with a flashback intro to the Hellboy origin story. That's about half of the first comic. Then we set up the ongoing story. It's fifty years later and the last survivor from the original Hellboy discovery team, Hellboy's beloved Dr. Bruttenholm, (aka "Broom"), is telling Hellboy about a tragic and doomed expedition to the Arctic in search of some ancient, mystic artifacts. At that point everything hits the fan and we're off to the races. NO SPOILERS, but we have vampire frogs, a creepy mansion on a dead lake, a creepy family, tentacles, curses, an evil villain set on world domination, and a vaguely Lovecraftian feel that works well enough for this opening frame. On top of that we are introduced to Abe Sapien and Liz Sherman and the BPRD, and we get a little more on Hellboy's Nazi occultist backstory, so this really does set many of the pieces in motion for the entire continuing Hellboy saga. And beside all that, it's just smart, fast-paced, fun.This mini-series introduced Hellboy to the world and it is the place to start if you are new to Hellboy, and a great memory piece for those who have followed Hellboy's adventures and elaborate story ever since. Note that in Issue #1 the character is just getting up to speed; he isn't the tough talking, wise cracking, engagingly conflicted and yet witty guy we've come to know. This Hellboy starts out as a more traditional general purpose hero. (Issue #1 wasn't even written by Mignola.) That said, by the end of the series we have been introduced to many major characters and we begin to see the outlines of the Hellboy to come.What is there, right from the beginning, is Mignola's gorgeous art. Heavy black lines, a few detailed background scene setting pages, many spare but atmospheric panels, sometimes just a suggestion of action - this work was often impressionistic but was never confusing or unclear. The Hellboy look is unique and compelling.I was curious about how comics would appear as downloads. I downloaded these four issues to a Kindle Fire and they worked fine. An entire page comes up on the screen. You can read it, but the print is very small. You can double tap the first panel on a page and then cycle through each panel from the page, with each panel being the size of the screen. Once you go through the four to six panels the next thing up is the next full page. You follow the same procedure there. This is a little cumbersome, but it's a price I'm willing to pay to read this full mini-series for free.So, bottom line, this is an excellent and accessible Hellboy and a good deal. If you've ever wondered about this character, or if you'd like to take a trip down memory lane, this is a great find.

Hellboy is in a fight for his life, he is barely clinging to consciousness while the bad guy continues to mumble his incantation in the background. Sven is slowly beating Hellboy and Hellboy’s own game of who can punch harder, and who has a harder skull. Liz is in a trance and being used to channel her internal power into the evil beast so it can grow. Abe is lost in the dungeon of the mansion and is overtaken by an unknown force.By the end Hellboy looks the worse for wear, Liz is by his side and Abe intervened at just the right moment, or did he? Either way, the day is won and the rubble that was once a mansion means Hellboy was here.

A good storyline that concludes, with a sense of mystery. The first story of bell boy was good. I highly recommend it to any comic reader. The ending leaves bits of the story open to allow for more storylines to branch off.

This four part series was really my first introduction to Hellboy, and I was hesitant in the beginning. But now I think I'll read more- he seemed a bit Thing meets Spider Man, and I dig it.

This was a pretty good intro for me into the Hellboy mythos. I didn't know if I would be more or less interested, but if given another chance to read other stories, I would.

Classic hell boy! If you are into this series don't miss this one. He'll boy is a unique comic and illustrates a perfect mix of fantasy and historical fiction

Def read if fan on Hellboy or comics or even paranormal in general it's got Nazi Thule society. Everything weird that has a basic grain of truth you could find in a Hb comic

The artwork is simply phenomenal and the colors are absolutely fantastic. I cannot express just how much I adore the artwork, but I can say that the story line is also amazing, a perfect conclusion to the beginning. Was it a little too neat of a wrap up, yes, but it is setting up what’s to come.

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, by John Byrne PDF

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